Even though kidney stones are modest in size, they have the ability to cause terrible pain and agony. When non-surgical options fail to offer relief,kidney stone surgery becomes an alternative. We as a team here provide kidney stone surgery  in Chandigarh with the latest methodology and trending techniques and tech. Kidney stones are the hard solid deposits made up of minerals and salts that occur in our kidneys.They mostly vary in size and cause excruciating discomfort as they pass through the urinary tract. While many kidney stones dissolve on their own with increased fluid intake and medicine, others necessitate surgical intervention to avoid complications and relieve those alleviating symptoms. 

Kidney stone surgery is often considered when the stone is too big to get through naturally or pain and discomfort is caused by the stone,Urinary tract infections or blockage are caused by the stone and if the Conservative treatments are ineffective.

The methods we usually follow to treat the kidney stones are:-

  1. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): ESWL breaks the kidney stone into smaller fragments, allowing it to move more readily through the urinary tract. This non-invasive treatment is typically appropriate for tiny stones.
  2. Ureteroscopy (URS): A thin tube (ureteroscope) is inserted through the urethra and bladder to reach the stone. The stone can then be shattered or removed intact using laser energy. URS is useful for stones in the ureter or kidney.
  3. PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy): PCNL is used for bigger stones. To remove or break the stone, a tiny incision is made in the back and a nephroscope is placed directly into the kidney.
  4. Open Surgery: Open surgery for kidney stones is uncommon.

Our well known ortho surgeons follow a particular procedure to treat kidney stones which is safe, efficient and economical:-

  1. Preparation:

            The patient’s medical history, imaging studies, and overall health are all reviewed     

  prior to surgery. Fasting and medication changes are recommended before the operation.

  1. Anesthesia:

To guarantee the patient’s comfort during the surgery, kidney stone procedures are often performed under general anaesthetic.

  1. Procedure:

The surgeon will use the proper instruments to break or remove the kidney stone, depending on the strategy chosen. The length of the procedure varies according to the method and complexity.

  1. Recuperation and follow-up:

Patients are meticulously followed once they awaken from anesthesia following surgery. Pain relief, water, and any catheters required are all provided. Depending on the procedure, most patients can go home the same day or after a brief hospital stay.

  1. After-Operative Care:

Patients are recommended to adhere to certain guidelines about pain management , dietary modifications and prescribed medications.


Kidney stone removal is certainly a life saving procedure who are suffering from the torture of large and obstructive stones .Patients can make informed decisions regarding their treatment options if they understand the various surgical procedures and their benefits. Consult your urologist in CHD city hospital to identify the best technique for your unique condition, and be sure to follow all post-operative care recommendations.


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