Parkinson’s success story at Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam Baddi


I am one of the lucky ones. Most of the people that I know, or that I have heard of that have Parkinson’s don’t come out of it. For me, thank God, I am successfully recovered from Parkinson’s now. Yes, I had Parkinson but now I am absolutely fine.

Journey at Ayurveda Chikitsalayam Baddi

The journey started with a tremor in my right hand 2 years back and it was increasing day by day. Then I consulted with a nearby physician and underwent various investigations and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. He referred me to a Neurologist. Then I consulted with a Neurologist. The doctor prescribed me some medicines.

I started taking medicines as prescribed by a doctor and got relief in the beginning but whenever I forgot to take medicine then the tremors started. I understood that as long as the effect of the medicine lasts, the problem remains fine.

 I started worrying as I wanted something that would end my problem from the root and my dependence on medicines may end.

I met the doctor for follow-up, and he said that the medicine you are being given is a synthetic source of dopamine, which you will have to take for a lifetime and later its dosage will increase as the symptoms increase.

Then I started searching on the internet for a permanent solution and I came to know about Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam.

I am from Delhi and the hospital was a little far from Delhi but I had to recover completely, so I decided to go to Baddi.

There I consulted with the doctor, who examined me thoroughly and said that along with oral medicine for Parkinson’s-like problems, you will also get Panchakarma therapy, due to which you will get a quick recovery and there will be no chance of recurrence of the disease.

I stayed there for 2 weeks and used to do yoga and meditation along with Panchakarma therapy. Initially, I had to take dopamine for a few days along with ayurvedic medicines but then gradually in 2 months allopathic medicine stopped and now I am on ayurvedic medicine only. It has been 4 months, I am taking treatment from Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam and the doctor said that now I have to take 1-2 more months of medicine, and after that, there will be no need to continue the medicines anymore.

Bottom line

I had regular checkups with Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam and the doctor provided excellent care which relaxes the patients and helps put our minds at ease. Now my hand is in much better condition and movement of the body is also normal. I had a very positive experience with Vaidyaratnam Vrindavan Ayurveda Chikitsalayam and the doctor & staff were excellent.


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